How to Make

Peppermint Marshmallows

You Will Need: - Peppermint Extract - Sugar - Corn Syrup - Gelatin - Salt - Water

01. Combine half the water and gelatin in the mixer bowl; set aside to bloom.

02. Combine sugar, remaining water, corn syrup, and salt in a pot and cook to 250°F. Cool syrup to 220°F.

03. Turn mixer on and slowly stream in hot sugar syrup.

04. Beat on medium-high for about 10 minutes. Beat in peppermint extract.

05. Scrape into a buttered and parchment-lined pan; do your best to smooth the top.

06. Drop red food coloring all over the surface.

07. Use a skewer to make pretty swirls. Cover loosely with foil and let sit 8 hours.

08. Cut into squares, dust with a mixture of powdered sugar and cornstarch to prevent sticking.
